Vietnam Bole Deck Logs - 1966, 1968, 1970 (Blue Water Navy)

During the Bole’s 1966, 1968, and 1970 Westpac cruise's, she saw service within the territorial sea of the Republic of Vietnam. During that that period the Bole and crew were exposed to the herbicide Agent Orange. Bole shipmates who wish to file for VA service connection compensation. may need proof that they served within the territorial sea of the Republic of Vietnam. Part of that proof is Bole Ship Deck Logs.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs has deemed this period as a Vietnam "brown water and blue water navy" period. This means that evidence of actual exposure Agent Orange is not required – veterans are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange – if they meet the other requirements for the presumption.

For claimants, this means that if a veteran can show he or she was in Vietnam during the specific period and currently has a medical condition listed in VA regulations as being caused by Agent Orange which began within the listed time periods, VA must service connect that condition. Conditions that are presumptively service-connected for herbicide exposure include chloracne, Type 2 diabetes (also know as Type II diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes), Hodgkin's disease, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, B cell leukemia, Parkinson's disease, and ischemic heart disease. Other presumptive conditions are listed, so a Vietnam veteran with a health condition should review the entire list.

Veterans' Diseases Associated with Agent Orange (VA webpage)

Here are selected Bole deck logs for 1966, 1968, and 1970. We have additional deck logs when the Bole was doing NGFS, but you only need one days log showing you were there. I can email you a copy of the following deck logs - they are in PDF format.

1966 Deck Logs

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 06-10-66
0826 Anchored Qui Nhon Harbor

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 07-04-66
2211 Anchored Saigon River (10°-25.8’ N, 107°-01.1’ E) NGFS Mission.
VA Brown Water Approved Position

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 07-05-66
0000 Anchored Saigon River (10°-25.8’ N, 107°-01.1’ E) NGFS Mission.
0724 Anchored Song Nga Bay (10°-26.2 N, 106°-57.9 E) NGFS Mission
VA Brown Water Approved Position

1968 Deck Logs

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 04-15-68
0709 Anchored Qui Nhon Harbor

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 06-15-68
0000 Anchored Qui Nhon Harbor

1970 Deck Logs

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 03-08-70
1140 Anchored Danang Harbor
1123 Sent MWB to USS Henderson (DD-885)

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 03-11-70
0917 Anchored Qui Nhon Harbor

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 03-15-70
1445 Anchored Danang Harbor - Sent MWB ashore.

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 04-30-70
0720 Anchored at Cam Rahn Bay
0924 Moored starboard side to USNS Cowanesque (T-AO-79)

USS John A Bole (DD-755) 05-01-70
0851 Anchored Danang Harbor